Astro Weekly



AUGUST 18 – August 24, 2024:

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Speak up on the 18th and 19th. Make your point heard, and you’ll gain support and a path to positive change to make your life more enjoyable. Participation is the name of the game, and learning and exploring new possibilities will pay off. Examine your options on the 20th and 21st, talk to someone in a position of authority, and follow the rules and regulations if you plan to implement a change that requires approval. Gather your thoughts on the 22nd and 23rd and present your plans in an orderly fashion. How you come across when asking for a contribution will make a difference down the road when you want additional support. A financial gain is apparent on the 24th if you offer facts instead of using emotional pressure.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Observation will offer insight into what not to do on the 18th and 19th. Sit tight and let situations play out around you. Concentrate on self-improvement, activities that gratify you, and spending time with the ones you love. Emotions will surface on the 20th and 21st, motivating you to consider your financial options. Don’t let temptation win when discipline is in your best interest. An opportunity to redeem something you thought was gone for good will buy you time on the 22nd and 23rd. Work with government or institutions, and you’ll make headway. Put a new strategy in place and execute your game plan. Don’t mix money and emotions on the 24th. A straightforward approach to money matters, and your lifestyle is favored. A personal gain looks promising.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Listen, absorb, and learn. The information you receive on the 18th and 19th will spark your imagination and encourage you to gather facts and figures that lead to a life-long plan. Someone you encounter will become a forever friend if you exchange contact information. Replenish your enthusiasm on the 20th and 21st regarding the skills that subsequently sustain your lifestyle. Raise your standards to ensure you maintain your position and reputation. A chance to participate in an event that brings you in contact with people who share your likes and beliefs on the 22nd and 23rd will help you expand your prospects. Don’t be too quick to buy into someone else’s dream on the 24th. You are best to invest in yourself.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Find out how much time and money it will take to further your interests on the 18th and 19th and put a plan and budget in place. Reach out to experts who can shed light on the type of return you’ll receive. Refrain from letting associates know your intentions. An emotional situation will escalate on the 20th and 21st if you reveal secrets or spread gossip. Communication will be difficult, and mixed messages will lead to confusion. Target what you want to accomplish on the 22nd and 23rd, and use your charm, connections, and generosity to win favors. You’ll attract someone’s attention but be suspicious of their intentions. Let your emotions lead the way on the 24th, and you’ll find an outlet for your creative imagination.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Speak up on the 18th and 19th, take liberties and get your point across. Do what you do best, take control, lead the way, and expand your circle of friends. Refuse to let someone’s uncertainty deter you from achieving what you set out to do. Pay attention to money matters on the 20th and 21st. You may think you have enough disposable cash, but tally costs before you sign up for something you cannot afford. Lead the crowd on the 22nd and 23rd and enjoy the notoriety. Stick to the facts; your quick wit and passionate presentation will help raise interest in something you care about. Those you solicit will be Indecisive or hesitant on the 24th if you make unrealistic promises: truth and proof matter.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take a moment to decide what’s best for you on the 18th and 19th. Letting others rush you into a change you aren’t ready to make will set you back. Choose common sense and discipline over trying to please others. You’ll feel drawn to certain people, places, and pastimes on the 20th and 21st. Proceed with an open mind and a cautious attitude. Let your intuition be your guide. Take care of contracts, legalities, medical issues, and money matters on the 22nd and 23rd. Leave nothing to chance or up to someone else. Be blunt about what you want and how much you will pay. Control your emotions on the 24th and focus on learning and adjusting your schedule to meet demands. Romance and commitment are favored.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Socializing on the 18th and 19th will lead to opportunities, enthusiasm, and mental and physical stimulation. Don’t miss out or let laziness set in when you can expand your interests, friendships, and prospects. Stick to the facts on the 20th and 21st, act quickly, and take care of red tape issues before someone steps in and takes over. Stress will lead to negativity and poor choices. Participation and fair play are your ticket forward. Lead the way on the 22nd and 23rd. Set the pace and standards, and learn all you can to maintain a leadership position, and you’ll persuade others to see things your way. Undercover moves are in your best interest on the 24th. Prepare thoroughly before launching your plans; you will come out on top.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You may crave change on the 18th and 19th, but first, you must have your finances, plans, and necessary approval before you begin. Do your due diligence, ease stress, and move forward with confidence. You may not feel like networking on the 20th and 21st, but you’ll miss an opportunity if you ignore people or situations that can help you get ahead. Be the novel-entertaining individual who delights in conversation and offers unique alternatives, and you’ll become the go-to person. Talk, money, negotiate contracts, and take charge on the 22nd and 23rd. Let your confidence and experience shine through; no one will try to outmaneuver you. Emotions will surface on the 24th. Don’t ignore signs; express your feelings and sort through any differences. You have with someone close to you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Listen attentively on the 18th and 19th, and you’ll gain insight into what others want. Speak from the heart, and you’ll understand what’s possible. A premature change will set you back, but timing and patience will pay off. Be careful who you play with on the 20th and 21st. Emotional mayhem is likely to break out if you keep changing your mind. Consistency and knowing when to say no are necessary. Mental and physical stimulation will ease stress on the 22nd and 23rd and change your perspective regarding personal matters. Distance yourself from unsavory situations, and you’ll gain clarity. Rethink your professional or financial goals on the 24th and assess your assets, liabilities, and the changes that can make your life easier. Sell off what you don’t use.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Tally up what you have and need on the 18th and 19th and adjust your lifestyle. Hanging on to people and possessions that drag you down won’t help you reach the goals and standards that can help you live your way. Conversations, travel, and educating yourself on the 20th and 21st will help you achieve your goals. Set high standards and make moves that deter others from competing with you. Drive the train instead of being a passenger. Reevaluate your expectations on the 22nd and 23rd, and you’ll discover how to maintain equality and peace. Speak from the heart and make your intentions clear. Revisit documents, agreements, and decisions you must address on the 24th, and you’ll find a workable solution.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Explore the possibilities on the 18th and 19th, get out, socialize, network, and see what’s available that interests you. Refuse to let situations you have no control over consume you or cause you to miss out on something that brings you joy. Be true to yourself. Don’t buy into someone else’s dream on the 20th and 21st or pay for something you don’t want. Shift your focus to saving money, better health, and doing what makes you happy. A conversation you have on the 22nd and 23rd with someone who offers insight into someone or something of interest will give you the courage to make a move. Problems at home or with someone close to you will escalate on the 24th if you don’t get approval before implementing a change.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Distance yourself from people who are inconsistent or pressuring you on the 18th and 19th. Focus on home, family, lifestyle, and meeting the expectations you set for yourself. Do what’s best for you and those you love, not outsiders. You’ll get mixed messages on the 20th and 21st from someone who can disrupt your plans. Be frank about what you want and prepare to walk away from situations detrimental to achieving your objective. Get the lowdown and quotes before signing a contract on the 22nd and 23rd. Someone will mislead you regarding hidden costs. Research will pay off and put your mind at ease on the 24th. Don’t listen to anyone belittling you. Follow your gut and only take on what you can handle emotionally, physically, and financially.

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Eugenia Last