Daily Scope



CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Taylor Schilling, 40; Jonathan Rhys Meyers, 47; Cassandra Clare, 51; Maya Rudolph, 52.

Happy Birthday: Pace yourself this year. Pay attention to detail, plan your actions, and weigh the pros and cons before you initiate change. You are best to tidy up loose ends instead of starting something new. The idea is to cleanse and prepare for the rest of your life. Figure out what’s essential, educate, and hone the skills necessary while gaining the qualifications you require to reach your goal. Your numbers are 4, 17, 20, 26, 33, 42, 48.

ARIES (March 21- April 19): Pay attention to what matters most and redirect your energy into doing things that make you happy. Incorporate what you love and how you make extra cash into your daily routine. Promote what you can do, and you will gain interest and opportunities. Trust your instincts. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20- May 20): Don’t pressure others to follow you. Set an example by doing for yourself, and self-advertisement will prompt the following. Hosting a low-key attitude will leave you more time to hone and implement what you do best. Protect against illness and injury and avoid large crowds. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): An open mind will help fill your head with information that leads to exciting opportunities. See what works best and use the process of elimination to direct your energy strategically. Don’t trust others to make decisions for you. A domestic conflict will require you to set boundaries. 4 stars

CANCER (June 21- July 22): Participate in something you enjoy and meet people who spark your imagination. You may not agree with everyone you encounter, but if you listen carefully, you’ll spare yourself finding out the hard way to trust and who to avoid. Physical improvements will attract positive attention. 2 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Tag along to gain insight and set priorities. You’ll flourish and create opportunities and friendships when you realize where your time and effort will have the most significant effect. Make your presence felt and your vision seen and heard. A physical improvement will prompt a positive emotional influence. 5 stars

VIRGO (August 23- September 22): Spread the word and see who listens. Knowing where you stand will help you conclude your next move. Don’t try to please everyone at the expense of not following your heart or chosen path. Change begins with you; make it count and play in your favor. 3 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Time spent at home with those who make you smile is encouraged. Engage in pastimes that bring you joy and share your insight into life, love, and prospects with those who share your vision. Traveling, learning, and exercising your rights will lead to contentment. Romance is favored. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Rethink your life strategy. Consider what makes you feel passionate and what your convictions are before you commit to participating in an event or taking the initiative to start a crusade. Note that your impact will have consequences and that you are best to consider the fallout before you begin. 3 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t let emotions get in the way of sound judgment. Take a timeout, do something physical that eases stress and clears your head. Opportunities will come to you, and being ready to act will make the difference when it comes to how much success you encounter. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (December 22- January 19): Refuse to let an emotional incident ruin your day. Choose your words wisely, and don’t bring up touchy subjects that can turn a happy event into something less enjoyable. Joint ventures and shared expenses will pose problems. Honesty is essential, but so is understanding. 5 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Do your thing and avoid trouble. Conversations aren’t in your best interest; however, using your energy to create opportunities and improvements at home will ease stress and make you feel good about your life and accomplishments. Make physical improvements and love a priority. 2 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Work towards your goals undercover. You will avoid interference if you keep your plans a secret until you are ready to launch. Distance yourself from those totting unrealistic ideas and excessive behavior. Patience, attitude, moderation, and discipline will lead to your desired success. 4 stars

Birthday Baby: You are effervescent, proactive, and original. You are energetic and helpful.

1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus, and you’ll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.

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About the author

Eugenia Last