Pandemic 2020…

How’s everyone doing?????????????????

2020 has undoubtedly been a unique year. Many of us have worked from home, some of us wearing pajama bottoms or sweats while conducting virtual meetings, or trying to deal with losing a job, reinvent ourselves, or dealing with loosing a loved one, or perhaps all of the above. Money has been scarce, restrictions and inability to socialize has led to depression, and a desire to put this year to rest and rediscover some normalcy.

This worldwide pandemic is a universal dilemma and requires us as humans to come together. Never have we needed to be more united than now. To put our differences aside and work as a collective group that supports science instead of political agendas.

Astrologically speaking, it’s been interesting to see the effects of transiting Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto on the planet and its inhabitants. Jupiter and Saturn are creating such uncertainty, and Pluto being so explosive has quite an impact that will have a lasting effect on the way we live moving forward.

For many, resistance to letting go of the past and embrace the future with an open mind and willingness to make necessary adjustments have slowed down the process of recovery. The industrious, ambitious sign Capricorn is holding on for dear life to old ways, big money, corporate stronghold, and not wanting to give up personal freedom for the sake of the collective. With the station of transiting Mars in Aries that began in July and will relentlessly plague us until March, we will see the unraveling of life as we know it, but don’t lose hope.

We are resilient, and as Jupiter and Saturn push their way into Aquarius, the sun will shine again, and new life and beginnings will start to grow. Aquarius is innovative, inventive, and imaginative, and with discipline and hard work, we will overcome by reinventing ourselves, our skills, and our way of life.

So what can we do in the interim? Well, for starters, we can strive to be part of the solution, not the problem, do what’s best for everyone, abide by the rules and reach out and help others. The objective is to stay mentally and physically healthy. Being innovative in our fitness approach, virtual socializing, good nutrition, and family fun can help. We can hone or add to our skills and offer services that are lacking during such troubled times. Look at the flourishing industries during the pandemic and take online courses that will help you parley into such fields.

Most importantly, remember that cycles come and go. That this challenging time we are experiencing began at the beginning of 2018 when transiting Saturn entered the constellation Capricorn, so where we are now has been building for some time. Although we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, note that it will fade if we aren’t diligent about the way we live moving forward.

The next couple of years will be the long road to recovery. How fast and efficiently we get there will depend on our ability to accept and deal with the changes required to make our world and planet healthy and safe. So do your part, be part of the solution.


About the author

Eugenia Last